Sunday, July 5, 2020


High or low Blood pressure is as common as any cough or cold for the people of present generation.Irrespective of age or physical appearance every 1 of 3 people are suffering with this abnormal blood pressure.Normal range of blood pressure is 120/80mm Hg and it varies with age.

In this situation of having high blood pressure,one cannot easily recognise this problem as there are rare symptoms.If the person has blood pressure above 130/80mm Hg with respect to age then it is considered as high bp.But eventually this may be a reason for heart attacks and other heart problems.Foodstyle can be useful weapon to tackle with this issue besides frequent checking of bp.

Leafy vegetables:
As these contain more amount of potassium that eventually reduce the levels of sodium in our blood.So these can be taken in our daily routine in the form of curries or salads which helps to regulate the high bp.
Having 2 to 3 of pistachios early morning is a best way to control high bp.They can also be eaten in salads.
Incorporating 2 to 3 garlic in our daily diet can work efficiently to control high bp. Either they can be added in soups or taken directly.
Unlike high bp this can be recognised as one get enough symptoms.If a person has blood pressure below 90/60mm Hg with respect to age then it is considered as low bp.Long term effect of low bp can lead to brain or heart damage. 

Frequent intake of liquids avoid dehydration and can eventually maintain a good range of blood pressure for one suffering from low bp.These liquids may include water, coconut water and fruit juices.
Salty foods:
Inorder to increase the blood pressure sodium content in our blood must be increased and that results from eating salty foods.We have to increase the salt content in our food to raise our blood pressure.
This is the instant way to increase the blood pressure.It may not be taken everyday but having coffee atleast every other day can be helpful to the people having low bp. 
We may think this alterations in our blood pressure may not be a reason for our worst health issue in future.But if we think in that way that would be the blunder we made in our life.By taking simple food tips besides medication can cure this problem.Regular checking of bp is as important as following the medication and it is much more important to have a peaceful mind and physical exercise(depends on age).



Heart is a muscle which pumps blood through the blood vessels.And the narrowing of these blood vessels is the major reason for all heart  di...