Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Heart is a muscle which pumps blood through the blood vessels.And the narrowing of these blood vessels is the major reason for all heart  diseases.Globally every year,1 in every 4 deaths is caused due to heart diseases.Inorder to keep our heart healthy it is important to take proper food which helps to function heart normally.
 These are the hub of antioxidants which helps our heart to function properly and avoid heart diseases.We can either take raw or cooked tomatoes depends on the individual.
 Wiring a habit of taking atleast 2 and atmost 4 walnuts a day is the best way to reduce the bad cholesterol,which blocks the blood vessels.
Dark chocolate:
 Chocolates contain high amount of antioxidants which helps to keep our heart healthy and strong.But it is also essential to eat them in a limit and should prefer good quality of the dark chocolate.
Green Tea:
 We know that green tea can reduce the fat and useless cholesterol in our body.Hence having a cup of green tea in our routine helps us to prevent many heart issues.
So with the easily available food items we can enhance our health easily.Infact we cannot compromise with the health issues and must be cured.If we keep our organs healthy and happy then we can also fight with the diseases in a simpler way.

Sunday, July 5, 2020


High or low Blood pressure is as common as any cough or cold for the people of present generation.Irrespective of age or physical appearance every 1 of 3 people are suffering with this abnormal blood pressure.Normal range of blood pressure is 120/80mm Hg and it varies with age.

In this situation of having high blood pressure,one cannot easily recognise this problem as there are rare symptoms.If the person has blood pressure above 130/80mm Hg with respect to age then it is considered as high bp.But eventually this may be a reason for heart attacks and other heart problems.Foodstyle can be useful weapon to tackle with this issue besides frequent checking of bp.

Leafy vegetables:
As these contain more amount of potassium that eventually reduce the levels of sodium in our blood.So these can be taken in our daily routine in the form of curries or salads which helps to regulate the high bp.
Having 2 to 3 of pistachios early morning is a best way to control high bp.They can also be eaten in salads.
Incorporating 2 to 3 garlic in our daily diet can work efficiently to control high bp. Either they can be added in soups or taken directly.
Unlike high bp this can be recognised as one get enough symptoms.If a person has blood pressure below 90/60mm Hg with respect to age then it is considered as low bp.Long term effect of low bp can lead to brain or heart damage. 

Frequent intake of liquids avoid dehydration and can eventually maintain a good range of blood pressure for one suffering from low bp.These liquids may include water, coconut water and fruit juices.
Salty foods:
Inorder to increase the blood pressure sodium content in our blood must be increased and that results from eating salty foods.We have to increase the salt content in our food to raise our blood pressure.
This is the instant way to increase the blood pressure.It may not be taken everyday but having coffee atleast every other day can be helpful to the people having low bp. 
We may think this alterations in our blood pressure may not be a reason for our worst health issue in future.But if we think in that way that would be the blunder we made in our life.By taking simple food tips besides medication can cure this problem.Regular checking of bp is as important as following the medication and it is much more important to have a peaceful mind and physical exercise(depends on age).

Saturday, July 4, 2020


Diabetes is the most common health issue in the world irrespective of age groups.1 in 11 people are diagnosed with diabetes.Along with medicines, some diet changes will help to control diabetes.

Millets play a key role in the control of diabetes.By adding millets like foxtail millet(korralu),little millet (samalu),kodo millet(arikelu), Barnyard millet(oodalu) in daily routine will help to fight with diabetes.All millets shouldn't be taken at a time in a day.Each millet should be taken on every other day. 
By the intake of jowar in our daily routine,we can get rid of the bad cholesterol.It can be taken in the form of rotis.By taking jowar rotis for a meal in a day will help to control diabetes.
Fenugreek seeds play a major role in the control of diabetes.By soaking these seeds overnight in a glass of water and having that water in the morning is the best way to control diabetes.

Aloe Vera:
Aloe Vera is a beneficial food to regulate the blood glucose levels.Daily intake of aloevera juice is helpful in treating people with diabetes.
Diabetes can be controlled but not cured completely.Our present lifestyle is giving a chance to many health issues.By proper maintenance of diet and healthy lifestyle will keep away major diseases..

Friday, July 3, 2020


As we all know,world is fighting with a pandemic,in addition to this seasonal changes are making this situation more worse.By taking some precautions we can maintain a proper health in this season.

Viral fevers like dengue can be easily attacked in this season.Not only viral but also bacterial and fungal infections can be attacked.Inorder to cope up with this situation we have to take elementary food.In these statusquo, platelet count and immunity have a lion's share.

Platelets are cells that are essential for normal blood clotting.Normal platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 per microliter of blood.
Food to boost platelet count:
 In our daily routine,there are many foods which will increase the count.
  For some viral fevers,papaya leaf juice will make wonders.But it should be taken in correct dosage otherwise it will lead to side effects like vomitings.

Carrot and beetroot juice:
 A combination of carrot and beetroot juice can really help to increase the platelets count.Add 2 table spoons of beetroot juice in a glass of carrot juice and take 2 or 3 times a day.
Carrot and beetroot will also relieve constipation.
Food to boost immunity:
Immunity plays a vital role to fight with many health issues.
Vitamin C:
It plays a crucial role to maintain good health.Foods like oranges and grapes are rich in vitamin c.

We all know the great saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" .It is the great sources of immune system.By taking apple with its skin will help to boost immunity.

Platelet count greatly impacts the health of an individual.By including lots of fruits and vegetables in daily routine can be helpful to maintain a good health.As we all know "Health is wealth".

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Supplementary for allopathy..

In the present scenario,we are addicted to allopathy.We are using medicines as remedy for small issues which can be cured with known food practices.
Our ancestors used to follow easy food tips to cure health issues.
1) Cough and cold: Black pepper powder,dry ginger powder are mixed in boiling milk to soothe cold and cough.
2) Loose motions: Sago kheer,banana,lemon juice,coconut water can be used to fight with loose motions.
3) Acidity :  Watermelon juice, Vegetables and taking food in regular intervals will reduce acidity.
4) Immunity boosters : Garlic,tumeric milk,citrus fruits, almonds are some of them which enhance immunity.
There are lethal diseases like cancer where food play a vital role.Chemotherapy, radiation treatment will make human feel weak and reduce the immunity.By having medicines along with proper nutritious food and mental peace will help to recover from any type of cancer.
As we know "Prevention is better than cure" , by taking nutritious diet one can prevent many health issues.


Heart is a muscle which pumps blood through the blood vessels.And the narrowing of these blood vessels is the major reason for all heart  di...